Saturday, September 1, 2012

I'm A Mommy

I can't deny it any longer; my children consume me. All my time goes to them, my thoughts are theirs, all of me, body, heart and soul belong to them. So, my point is, I will now be using my blog as a journal about them so that family can stay updated on all the awesome stuff they do! I apologize for bad grammer. I'm walking through life half asleep at the moment.

My precious Elijah is turning two next Sunday. I can't imagine what life would be like without him. He opened my heart bigger than I ever could have thought possible. The love you feel for your children is like nothing else in the world. He amazes me daily. He is so sweet and incredibly smart. I am truly blessed!

This morning I went to get him up out of bed and he was laying at the door looking through the crack. When he saw me he said "you open door Mommy."
As I was getting him dressed he was telling me about what I assume was a dream. He said "I drank it all" I asked him what did he drink? Then, he said "Grandma's water." When he realized he was wearing some Cowboy gear he said "Yay OSU! Good job OSU!" He already knows what's up!
We are making great progress with potty training. There are days when he has no accidents even when we go out in public away from the house. After he uses the potty he wants me to clap my hands which then turns into wanting to sing the patty cake song. So, I guess we do a potty patty cake! Haha!
We had donuts for breakfast this morning, for the first time ever. He kept wanting to call them Donos at first.

My sweet little Joseph turned a month old on Thursday. Wow! Has it really already been an entire month?? He is such a sweetie. He loves to be held and cuddled and actually gets pretty mad when he is put down. Thank God for the Moby wrap! He eats great and often! At his check up he weighed 11.6 and was 22 inches. Dr. Sublett kept commenting on how pretty and clear his skin was. He really is gorgeous, again, I am so blessed! He has started to become a little more vocal. He has almost started to smile when I kiss his little neck, but not quite. The hair on the top of his head likes to stick straight up! I can't get it to stay down. It's pretty cute though. We have almost used up all the disposable diapers on him that we had left over from Elijah so we will be starting cloth on him in a few days. They will fit him, but they're going to look so big on his tiny little bottom.
Love, Jessica, Elijah, and Joseph.

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